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This NFT has a POW of 14 which is a low value. The estimated value at mint is $70 He can swim underwater for 70 seconds without going back to the surface. It has a cool tattoo. It wears expensive earing. And normal glasses. It gets normal hat or helmet. It does not have a particular shirt or armor. His necklace is made of quality materials. Its special ability and unlocking feature are to be able to swim under the surface without breathing. If you try to swim without an aquaman cart, you will drown. It is a shame because there are a lot of hidden things under the water, like crypto, monster fish etc… You can do everything under the water like shooting and do close combat. With an aquaman card you can stay minutes up to hours under the water and forget about drowning, opening the possibility of finding new crypto, fighting new monsters etc.
Power 14
Necklace img4
Earings img5
Hats img
Shirt img0
Tattoo 3
Head img4
Glasses img2
Background 1
Bare 2
Bear 0
Chest 0
Hair 0
Mask 0
Forehorn 0
Chinhorn 0
Backhead 0
Crown 0
Nose 0
Face 0
Leftchick 0
Rightchick 0
Leftear 0
Rightear 0
Leftbrow 0
Rightbrow 0
Snout 0
Branch 0
Forehead 0
Lefteye 0
Righteye 0
Special 0
Jaw 0
Force 0
Dexterity 0
Magic 0
Health 0
Mana 0
Resist to poison?
Is stronger?
Is lucky?
Can fix stuff?
Knows magic?
Do drugs?
Can swim? Yes
Do voting?